Cumulative indices

On this page, cumulative phytoclimatic data are reported to carry out analyses and observations among different periods of interest.

By clicking on the "Select Period" button (at the top right), the drop-down menu appears where you can select the accumulation period of interest for the automatic calculation of cumulative counters. The default accumulation period is 1 day (exactly the day before the one being consulted). After selecting the period of interest, all indices and their corresponding graphs are recalculated.

The histograms (in the top part of the page) display the cumulative value totaled over the selected time window. Under each histogram, the duration in days of the selected time interval and the unit of measure used for the calculation are reported.

In particular, the main cumulative indices are as follows:

  • total unitary radiation that hit the ground (often not an actual measured value but an estimated parameter based on the geographic location)

  • millimeters of rainfall

  • total hours during which leaves were wet (both due to rain and high humidity)

  • total millimeters of evapotranspiration (estimated potential value - not optimized for a single crop)

  • accumulation of degree days (heat sums) that exceeded the thresholds of 10, 18, and 20 °C.

The line charts (in the lower part of the page) show the daily cumulative values in the selected time interval. For example, the cumulative rainfall line chart is drawn by connecting the total daily rainfall values, that is, the total millimeters of rain that fell each day. The cumulative wetness line chart is drawn by connecting the total daily leaf wetness values, that is, the total number of hours, calculated each day, during which the leaves were wet.

Cumulative alarms - cumulative indices

The bell (set alarm) allows you to set an alarm (email and/or SMS) related to the specific cumulative parameter shown in the graph. By clicking on the bell, a card appears to fill in the alarm settings:

  • Enter an identifying name for the new alarm: we suggest setting a name that immediately reminds us of the alarm threshold that we will set below (for example, for a cumulative rainfall the name "Rain 100" is indicative of an alarm threshold of 100mm); after indicating a name, proceed by ticking the "activate" option;

  • Select the desired alert method (SMS and/or email);

  • Enter the start date from which the cumulative value will be calculated up to today;

  • Enter the maximum value, which is the threshold above which the cumulative alarm is triggered;

  • Select the option to display the set alarm graphically (it is also necessary to select a color).

Note: The line charts of the cumulative indices show the daily cumulative values in the selected time interval. Therefore, the respective alarms will be triggered only in case of exceeding the configured alarm threshold by the daily cumulative data.

Daily evapotranspiration

Premise: The actual evapotranspiration of a crop depends on microclimatic conditions (air, soil, and plant), crop variety, and its growth stage (phenology). Therefore, one cannot speak of a real evapotranspiration value unless it is referred to a very specific situation.

WiForAgri's evapotranspiration parameter represents the reference potential evapotranspiration. It is indicated by ET0 and refers to an ideal situation standardized by FAO (a 12 cm high, dense and uniform Festuca Arundinacea lawn in the vegetative growth phase and in optimal water and plant health conditions). Since the only variables used in the ET0 calculation formula are microclimatic factors related to the air, it can be stated that ET0 expresses exclusively the evaporative power of the atmosphere determined by the climatic conditions of the area. The ET0 calculation model implemented by WiForAgri is that of Hargreaves (1994).

The value of ET0 is quite different from the actual evapotranspiration of a specific crop: in the next paragraphs, the estimation procedure is illustrated to move from the value of ET0 (reference potential evapotranspiration) to ETc (crop potential evapotranspiration) and then to ETr (estimated actual evapotranspiration).

It is possible to estimate ETc by multiplying ET0 by the Kc coefficient (crop coefficient) which is able to integrate the type of crop grown and the vegetative development stage (phenological phase) into the calculation of the evapotranspiration demand.

The ETc, although specific to the crop and its growth stage, represents a potential evapotranspiration value that is satisfied under optimal and ideal conditions (e.g. abundant water availability primarily).

The value of the Kc coefficient varies throughout the growing season: its value increases from the beginning of the crop cycle to plant maturity and decreases during yellowing until leaf fall. For perennial crops, the Kc also varies over time with plant growth.

The values and trends of Kc for one's specific agricultural crop must be searched for in literature.

Finally, to calculate the Real Evapotranspiration (ETr), which takes into account the actual vegetative limiting conditions and defense mechanisms of the plants (e.g. stomata closure), ETc is multiplied by the stress coefficient Ks that varies according to the environmental and agronomic conditions (e.g. soil conditions and agronomic techniques).

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