Loading a treatment
Procedure for uploading plant protection intervention
Last updated
Procedure for uploading plant protection intervention
Last updated
The wizard for uploading a treatment can be accessed by clicking on “Treatments” and involves two steps.
Lot Selection: The first step involves selecting lots by indicating the crop of interest and the lot or lots with that same crop for which you want to upload the treatment. If you make a mistake in adding a batch you can click on the x and the batch will be deleted. You then click on the “next” button
Plant Protection Intervention: The second step involves uploading the desired plant protection intervention. The following fields are filled in:
-Date of treatment and automatically the phenological phase is loaded, which you can edit; -Time of start and end of treatment; -Area treated in case it does not correspond to the total area of the plot (in case you have selected more than one plot, the area treated is not editable and corresponds to the sum of the areas of all the selected plots); -Dose of water (hl/ha) i.e. the amount of water in the barrel; -Operator either by selecting the drop-down menu with the names of the operators already entered, or by clicking on the “+” button and creating a new operator by entering the name, license number and expiration date of the license.you can upload the desired treatment. You indicate the date of the treatment, the start and end time of the treatment, the water dose (hl/ha) or the amount of water in the barrel, and the name of the operator.
In the Pathology/Adversity drop-down menu, the pathology of interest can be selected. If the pathology is not among those suggested click on the “other” item.
By typing the initials of the desired product, one of the products displayed in the list (Ministry database) is selected.
There is a database of all the treatments allowed in Italy depending on the crop.
To avoid having a very long list of products, it is possible to activate the “warehouse” feature (optional but recommended) and thus have the possibility to choose only from the products that interest us and that we have previously loaded into the warehouse.
In the case of an organic farm, it is possible to check the box “Load only organic products” and only products allowed in organic farming will be filtered.
When the desired product is selected, the fields for “formulation,” “active substances,” “units of measurement,” and “days of deficiency” are automatically filled in.
You then go on to enter the “dose per hectare” or “total quantity used” or “dose per hectoliter” (entering one of these three items automatically fills in the other two”; the ‘days of protection’ and ‘product cost’ in case it is not a product in stock or in case the cost was not indicated in the loading of the product in stock. You click on “insert line” and then “save data.”
On the Dose per hectare [Kg-L-N/ha] there is an “i” indicating the minimum and maximum dose suggested on the label for that product
It is possible to add in the loading of a treatment multiple products used, by entering multiple rows.
The procedure for selecting a product, from those in the database or in the warehouse, is the same as described above. When all products have been added, it is necessary to click on “save data.”
Only if the desired product is not present in the displayed list, click on the + button (above the word Product) and proceed with a manual insertion of a new product. Please note that manual insertion is not immediate: only after a few days is the new product validated and inserted into the list mentioned in the previous point
In the case of frequent use of the same product mix, it is possible to create a mixture by clicking on the “Actions” drop-down menu and selecting “create mixture.”
If the same mixtures are used throughout the year, it is not necessary to re-load the products used and recreate the mixtures but just click on the “Actions” drop-down menu and select “load mixture.”
It is also possible to enter a new mixture and/or consult/edit/delete loaded treatment and fertilizer mixtures by clicking on the wheel in the upper right corner.