Lot Management

Through the creation of lots, it is possible to record your agricultural fields in WiForAgri. The lot represents the fundamental unit for the management of Field Data, CN, Models, and other services

Introduction to Lots

In order to activate and access the value-added services offered by WiForAgri (Field Data, Field Diary, DSS Models, others), it is necessary to have defined at least one agricultural lot through the appropriate guided procedure accessible from the Lotto drop-down menu.

Through the creation of lots, it is possible to register your agricultural fields in WiForAgri. Each lot represents a single management unit. The lot is the fundamental unit for managing the following functions:

  • loading and management of field data (phenological stages, pests, treatments, physiological disorders, and other types)

  • preparation of the country notebook (CN) and treatment register

  • operation of WiForAgri DSS models.

Criteria for dividing the lots.

How many lots should I create in WiForAgri? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question; it depends on the granularity and thoroughness of the services you want to activate. It should be considered that each lot constitutes an independent management unit with its own CN and DSS models. It is therefore unnecessary to create numerous lots if you do not want to manage multiple independent CNs and models. Below are some possible criteria, which can be used individually or in combination, to identify different agricultural lots.

  • Geographical location of the field: geographically distinct fields definitely constitute distinct lots.

  • Type of crop: the lot is an agronomically homogeneous management unit, so fields or portions of fields where different crops are grown definitely constitute distinct lots.

  • Phytosanitary management: all field data (including treatments) are associated by WiForAgri with a single lot; if we want to apply different phytosanitary techniques and/or timing to certain areas, we must create a lot for each homogeneous zone that we treat uniformly.

  • Type of soil: for users who use fertigation models, it is essential to distinguish different fields with different soil types into different lots.

If you need consulting to evaluate how many and which lots to create in WiForAgri, contact the Customer Service.

Procedure for creating lots

The procedure for creating a new lot is possibile from the "Lot" drop-down menu.

Click on the 'New lot' button. The guided procedure consisting of 4 steps will start.

  1. General: it will be possible to enter the main data of the lot, such as the lot code, the name lot and type of crop cultivated. These data are required as mandatory to proceed with the creation of the lot.

  2. Lot details: additional data of the lot will be entered, such as the variety, planting distance and management data. These are optional data.

  3. Draw lot: it will be possible to draw your lot on an interactive map centered on the position of the nearest weather station. To draw the lot, you will insert the vertex points of the lot polygon by clicking with the left mouse button.

  4. Summary: it shows the summary of the data entered by the user in the lot creation.

Lot List Page

After completing the guided procedure, it is possible to view all correctly created lots by visiting the Lot List page.

In the map you can observe the stations (red location icon) and their respective lots (green location icon) associated with the previously selected farm.

Below the map is a registry of the plots, identified by their names, showing their respective codes, the station associated with them, the crop and the extent in hectares. These data are also visible on the map by hovering the mouse over a plot.

It is possible to edit, delete and view the details of each lot with the appropriate buttons. It is also possible to access the Field Data page and the Models page by selecting the desired template associated with that particular plot.

The activation of DSS models for a specific lot can only be done through a request to the Customer Service.

From the List Lots page, it is possible to load, in one operation, the same field data for multiple lots having the same crop. This action is possible in two ways:

  • By selecting the desired plots on the map and then clicking on the “Actions” drop-down menu

  • By checking the boxes of the plots and clicking on the “Actions” drop-down menu

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