Menu Guide

This section guides you to the general content of the 2 main menus that are present and identical on all pages.

Each menu item leads to a different page as specified below

  • The three drop-down menus, Company, Station and Lot, are used to select your company associated with your account (in the case of consultants or consortia, you can choose from multiple companies associated with your account), your preferred station associated with your company and the respective crop lot, which will affect the other menu buttons in the row below. The Lot menu also allows you to:

  • Start the guided procedure for creating a new crop lot;

  • Visit the "Lots List” page.

  • The Panoramica Stazioni button leads to the Panoramica Stazioni page, where you can view the map location of my measurement stations and view different large-scale (regional, national) weather forecasts

  • The Dashboard button links to the Dashboard page of the selected station.

Please note that the single crop lot is the reference management unit for all functions related to field data.

  • The Field Data drop-down menu provides access to several pages related to the management of field data and Country notebook:

    • "+ new" allows you to upload/create a new field data

    • The Field Data page allows you to view, create, and manage field data related to the selected crop lot: it is the main page for managing field data. This page will be empty or inaccessible if you have not created at least one crop lot using the appropriate guided procedure available in the Lot drop-down menu.

    • The Field Data graph page allows you to create an interactive and customizable chart to represent the field data already uploaded for the selected crop lot.

    • The Calendar page allows you to represent the field data already uploaded for the selected crop lot in a calendar.

    • The Country notebook print page allows you to print the customizable country notebook for the selected crop lot.

    • The Print Treatment Register page page allows you to print the treatment log for the selected batch.

  • The Models drop-down menu allows the user to select one of the active models for the chosen lot having the possibility to consult decision support graphs and diagrams in order to adopt treatment and/or irrigation and/or fertilization schedules consistent with the model's predictive logic.

  • The Warehouse drop-down menu (visible only if the service is enabled for the user) provides access to pages for creating and managing the warehouse for fertilizers and pesticides:

    • The Pesticide Warehouse page allows you to create and manage the warehouse for pesticides.

    • The Fertilizer Warehouse page allows you to create and manage the warehouse for fertilizers.

    • The Print Treatment Register page allows you to print the treatment register (pesticides and fertilizers) for one or more selectable crop lots.

Right horizontal menu

  • The icon with your name allows you to fill out and/or modify your personal and business information. In the section regarding personal information, you can change the access password to the WiForAgri reserved area and the mobile number to receive alarm messages if they are set up. In the company master data section you can consult and/or edit and/or delete the master data of a specific company.

  • The flag allows you to select the language.

  • The bell allows you to access the alarm management pages.

  • The question mark (?) allows you to send an email to customer service ( or access the online guide (which is the one you are consulting!) for all the functionalities of the WiForAgri platform.

  • The gear allows you to access special features: export data (to export the data measured by your sensors in Excel format); compare values (to graphically compare data measured from different stations); treatment and fertiliser mixtures (to create a new mixture and/or consult / edit / delete created mixtures on the field data page).

Last updated